Freedom Hill Vineyard
In the early 1980’s Dan and Helen Dusschee (Doo-SHAY) lived in Salem and were eager to give grape growing a try. They acknowledged at the time that farming was new to them. After an extensive search they found the right property to plant their vineyard.
The property is located in the foothills of the Oregon Coast mountain range about five (5) miles west of the small town of Monmouth. As Dan said at the time “it was way far out in the hinterlands and the Willamette Valley was mostly planted to prunes”.
After purchasing, the Dusschee’s soon planted 13 acres of Pinot Noir. The first grapes were picked in 1985 and wine was made at Bethel Heights Winery. The wine turned out to be very good and various wineries lined up to buy their grapes. Additional acreage was planted but unfortunately in 1995 Phylloxera was discovered. By this time the romance of grape growing had evaporated and the reality of the situation set in. A replanting program was established. Over the next ten (10) years the self-rooted, Phylloxera infected vines were replaced with grafted rootstock.
Presently the vineyard totals 88 acres with 76% Pinot Noir, 16% Chardonnay, and the remainder in Pinot Blanc and Tempranillo.
Freedom Hill grapes are purchased by many well-regarded Willamette Valley wineries.